This features a series of hotfixes that will be live on PC later today on May 10 and on consoles in the next few days. Thank you for your patience. If they haven't automatically updated, please close your game and update manually using the dedicated platform service.
Quick Overview
Added NoahJ456 Voice Lines
Added Controller Deadzone Sliders
Extended the Field of View option to 120 on PS5
All Platforms
Added Controller Deadzone Sliders
Added Colors to Perk Icons on the HUD and an option to use the white versions
Added Camera Animation toggle to disable camera shakes for users with motion sickness issues
Added Disturbing Content Toggle for Audio
Added NoahJ456 Voice Lines
Improved footstep audio
Improved Audio Reverb Zones
Improved playing audio limiting performance
Improved performance in all levels
Fixed an issue causing interacting with the Godkiller Pillar Sigils to be awkward
Fixed performance issue caused from spawning more impact particles than intended
Fixed performance issue caused by UI updating all the time
Fixed an issue causing Molotovs to inherit the properties of an equipped weapon and sometimes shoot like a gun
Fixed an issue causing the game to not unpause if you've been left solo in an online game
Fixed an issue causing the Poison Fog Miracle to behave incorrectly
Fixed an issue causing the Perk Upgrade menu to always revert the menu background to the default
Fixed an issue causing the hidden story achievements to be rewarded before when you exit the game instead of when you finish the objective
Fixed a memory leak caused by the Invisible enemies
Fixed a memory leak caused by enemies not being completely destroyed
Fixed an issue causing some areas to not count as explored
Fixed an issue causing Shock N Load to trigger too many times when quick swapping between Godkiller
Potential fix for enemy abilities inheriting the damage of the player abilities and causing one shots
Potential fix for certain weapons inheriting the shooting abilities of other weapons, specifically the Godkiller
Fixed an issue causing critical damage increases to not apply to critical body shots
Added a way to respawn in case you get stuck by not moving & holding the voice line button for 2 minutes
Xbox Series X|S
Improved Input Lag on Xbox Series X|S
Fixed an issue causing the Japanese subtitles to not appear
Extended the Field of View option to 120
Fixed an issue causing the Welsh language to disappear sometimes
Fixed an issue causing the Join Code entry to break when having to type W or S