This features a series of hotfixes on all platforms from 22-24 April. If they haven't automatically updated, please close your game and update manually using the dedicated platform service.
Quick Overview
Fixed the 60fps lock at higher frame rates
Fixed the footsteps audio issue
Performance enhancements
Fixed multiple reasons for crashes
Added 120 FOV on console
All Platforms
Fixed an issue causing the footsteps to play more often if you were playing at higher than 60 FPS
Lowered volume of footsteps, will add a slider in a future patch so users can modify it
Fixed an issue causing some "Kill Enemies within an area" objectives not to count if you kill a lot of enemies at once, it now counts every kill towards the credit
Fixed an issue causing the party UI to error
Fixed an issue causing matchmaking to be stuck
Fixed an issue with the Frostfire Miracle causing it to make enemies you hit quicker if you upgrade it instead of slower
Fixed an issue where using the Auto-Aim Miracle caused errors if the enemy had no head
Fixed an issue where Aim Assist using a controller would get stuck on enemies that disappear when you kill them until you look at another enemy
Improved performance from texture loading and other small changes
Fixed multiple issues caused by other players leaving during a multiplayer game
Fixed an issue that caused the game not to end when everybody dies and has no token if someone has left the game
Fixed an issue that caused the scoreboard & game over screen to show people who are no longer in the game
Fixed an issue that caused the game to break when swapping between Sker Passes automatically
Fixed a memory leak caused by the damage text
Fixed a memory leak caused by caching NPCs
Fixed a memory leak caused by points added notifications
Improved performance of levels with loads of flickering lights
Removed Aim Assist targets from fake NPCs in "Deadly Lover's Fortress"
Fixed an issue causing conflict in lobby names and sometimes making people join other random rooms
Fixed the Abraham boss fight sometimes leaving the room and resetting
Increased size of the teammate revive interact so you don't get interrupted when you get hit
Fixed some errors causing some abilities to sometimes break
Fixed the Diver Helmet enemy sometimes forgetting to leave the spawn zone
Xbox Series X|S
Added 120 FOV (PS5 update coming soon)
Fixed an issue that caused the in-game camera to render at 60 frames a second even if your game is running at 300 FPS
Videos should now skip if they fail to play, also added "ignoreVideos" as a launch option on Steam in case any other issues are caused by videos failing to play
Added icons for people who rebind actions to the middle mouse button and extra mouse buttons
Fixed an issue that caused Steam Deck to not show the Game Over screen when leaving the level